Do you have a busy schedule for your Invisalign clear aligners?
Dr. Jacquie Smiles offers her NYC patients with a more convenient treatment with the new dental monitoring app to help straighten teeth and improve smiles without regular orthodontic office appointments.

Invisalign is a popular treatment because it is convenient and easy to use. Patients’ progress is monitored with a licensed orthodontist at an in-office appointment, but the Dental Monitoring app has introduced a new schedule-friendly alternative to traditional appointments.
With a dental monitoring app, patients can now take care of these regular aligner check-ups from the comfort of their own home.

Patients take a scan of their teeth using their phones and a ScanBox, and upload the images with the app. The orthodontist will then review the scan to determine if the patient is ready to move on to the next Invisalign aligner. The orthodontist will review the pictures, and the patient will receive approval to switch aligners if appropriate and get dental care instructions through the app.
Adults and teens can learn to manage their time wearing the Invisalign aligners and be responsible for keeping up with a schedule with the dental monitoring app and their treatment to help straighten teeth and improve smiles.
With the remote dental monitoring through the app, Dr. Jacquie Smiles and her team of orthodontists can now make your Invisalign treatment more convenient and hassle-free.
Improving your smile can now fit into your busy NYC schedule with Invisalign and the Dental Monitoring app with Dr. Jacquie Smiles.

Dr. Jacquie Smiles and her team of orthodontists are here to help you achieve your best smile with teeth remote dental monitoring
Learn More
To learn more about dental monitoring and how it can save you time with your Invisalign aligners, please call us 212-972-3522 or fill out our convenient contact form to receive more information.
Dr. Jacquie Smiles and her team of orthodontists in NYC are here to help you achieve your best smile with teeth straightening treatment using Invisalign aligners with dental monitoring app.
Our office is conveniently located near 30 East 40th Street, New York, NY 10016. We accept insurance, financing, HSA, and FSA.