Ouch! Many people only think of the pain someone must feel while getting their teeth straightened. Unfortunately, the fear of pain is the number one reason people never go through with the process, which doesn’t hurt as much as one might think if the treatment is done correctly. The following information will help you get over your fear and finally achieve that beautiful straight smile you desire!
Identifying Your Fear
As mentioned earlier, pain is the most common reason people fear getting their teeth straightened. However, this might not be the reason you feel afraid of the process. Sometimes it could just be concerned about your busy schedule or the inconvenience of taking care of your teeth straightening treatment. If this is the case for you, Invisalign teeth straightening treatment is the answer to your fear. It is convenient and removable which allows you to live your life and eat all your favorite foods without worry or discomfort.
Dr. Jacquie Smiles with an Invisalign patient.
Choose an Excellent Dentist
A big mistake many people make is choosing convenience over quality. For some reason, people seem more comfortable going to a mall kiosk dentist or ordering their teeth straightening treatment through the mail rather than visiting a highly qualified and experienced dentist in the industry. The truth is, many of the painful horror stories come from patients that chose the mall or mail option and didn’t receive proper treatment.
Choose an orthodontist that has the credentials and experience as well as the personal bond you need to fully complete the teeth straightening treatment. An added benefit of seeing an orthodontist in person is if you experience pain, you have someone to call to help reduce the discomfort and identify the cause of the issue quickly. Dr. Jacquie Smiles is a leading orthodontist and Platinum Invisalign Provider in NYC.
As an Invisalign professor, Dr. Jacquie Smiles teaches and certifies students and orthodontic residents in many of our dental schools and universities in the U.S. and Canada. She has also taught over 14,000 doctors, students and their teams in multiple areas of orthodontics throughout the world including North and South America, Europe, Asia, The Caribbean, and the Middle East.
Take Someone with You for Support
An excellent tip for those who are afraid of visiting the dentist or orthodontist office is to bring someone with you for support. You can invite a family member, spouse, friend, or partner to come along with you. They can offer emotional support and literally hold your hand when needed. This comfort often helps reduce stress and makes the process go more smoothly.
Ask about the Potential Pain
You will be surprised to learn that most teeth straightening treatments such as Invisalign has minimum pain if any involved in the process. Whether you choose standard metal braces or Invisalign, ask your orthodontist about the amount of pain you should expect to experience for your specific situation. Generally, any discomfort experienced is tolerable and sometimes necessary since your teeth are gradually moving into place throughout the treatment process.
Now that you know the steps you need to take to get over your fear, it’s time for you to take action. There’s really nothing to be afraid of when you involve an experienced orthodontist and build a strong bond with them during the process. You can achieve the straight smile you always dreamed of by getting started now!
Schedule Your Teeth Straightening Appointment
Dr. Jacquie Smiles began her career in orthodontics dentistry at Boston University and became the first female Director of B.U.’s Predoctoral Orthodontic Department. Since then she has become an expert in orthodontics and opened several offices in New York and New Jersey.
Contact Us Today
Contact us today for your no-obligation teeth straightening appointment in NYC. You may also call Dr. Jacquie Smiles at 212-972-3522. Our office is conveniently located near 30 East 40th Street Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016.