Invisalign vs. Wired Braces

Invisalign vs. Wired Braces

Invisalign vs. Wired Braces

If you have just made up your mind to get braces to align your teeth, then the first question that will probably pop up in your mind is whether to use the regular wired braces or opt for Invisalign. Choosing the right type of braces is not an easy job, especially if you don’t have much of an idea about their individual effectiveness. You must be asking yourself, which one will be a better choice? What’s the cost of each one?

Some people might not feel as comfortable when going out in the crowd wearing braces. After all, a perfect smile says a lot about your personality and boosts your self-esteem. If you want to get straight teeth in no time without covering up your smile, then choosing Invisalign braces is the ideal choice for you. These braces are virtually invisible and serve as an aesthetic alternative to conventional wired braces.

All You Need To Know About the Two Options

The common goal for both regular and Invisalign braces is the same – to straighten the teeth while simultaneously improving oral health and allowing you to speak and smile beautifully and confidently.

Wired Braces

These are known as wired braces mainly because they consist of metallic brackets, which are then glued to the teeth. A wire is then placed through the brackets and tied on with small medical bands of rubber which are available in many other colors.

Invisalign Braces

Invisalign braces are virtually invisible. The aligners are made with smooth, comfortable, BPA free plastic materials, which allow you to easily wear them and make for less emergency visits. Before your orthodontist has your Invisalign aligners created, they will take you for an x-ray and a 3-d digital scan which is then used to replicate a digital model of your teeth and configure the tray aligners in the appropriate manner.


Wired Braces

  • You are able to choose what colors you would like to have at every visit.
  • They are fixed to your teeth throughout the duration of your treatment
  • You must ensure that you brush the wires regularly to avoid the buildup of bacteria or plaque.
  • You must visit the dentist regularly for follow ups.
  • You won’t be able to chew hard meals or anything particularly chewy.




  • Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible.
  • You are encouraged to wear them for 22 hours out of the day, they are removed only for eating or drinking anything that is not water.
  • Maintaining and cleaning your teeth throughout treatment is easy.
  • Follow-up visits are less frequent than traditional braces.
  • You can chew any meal without worrying about discomfort or breakage.

Orthodontic Emergencies Tips to Help You Get Through in a Crisis

Visit Your Orthodontist in Case of Orthodontic Emergencies (Image courtesy mlarsson62 on Pixabay via CC0 Public Domain license)
Visit Your Orthodontist in Case of Orthodontic Emergencies (Image courtesy mlarsson62 on Pixabay via CC0 Public Domain license)

Do you know that there is a time during the year when orthodontic emergencies crop up more frequently than others? Now is that time. Fall sees many people go outdoors, fill up parks and stadiums, and play a wide variety of sports. It may be that the NFL season inspires them, or it could be that they want to squeeze in as much play as they can before snow blankets the fields and parks. Whatever the reason, the heightened activity also results in an increase of orthodontic emergencies.

What to Do in Case of Common Orthodontic Emergencies

When you are out running around and engaging in a lot of body-contact sports, the chances of orthodontic emergencies increase. This is not to imply that you should sit around at home… get outdoors, but also keep the following orthodontic emergencies tips in mind:

  • How to Fix a Loose Wire

A wire or a band may come loose if you sustain a fall. Push the protruding wire gently backwards with the back of a spoon, a cotton swab, a pair of tweezers, or the eraser end of a pencil to get it out of the way. You may need to cut a wire that is jutting out if you cannot push it back under the archwire. Use clean fingernail clippers or a pair of scissors to cut the wire. If any piece of wire continues to bother you, place a piece of wax over the wire.

  • What to Do If You Have a Loose Bracket or Band

If pushing the wire does not keep the bracket or the band in place, or the wire comes out or falls off entirely, put a piece of wax on it.

A piece of wax comes in handy in any kind of orthodontic emergency involving a loose appliance. The wax will keep the appliance in place until you reach your orthodontist’s office while also preventing it from poking you.

  • What to Do If You Have Lost a Separator

Don’t lose sleep over lost separators. Plenty of patients lose a separator while undergoing dental treatments. However, you should check with an orthodontist to know if it has to be replaced.

  • What to Do If Your Headgear Has Slipped Out of Place

If the headgear attached to your braces has slipped out of position you may be able to put it back in place, but it is always a good idea to get it checked by the orthodontist afterwards.

  • What to Do If a Sharp Aligner is Poking You or Your New Braces are Making You Sore

Orthodontic emergencies may crop up even when you are indoors. A new aligner can feel rough or your new braces can poke you or make you sore. Use an emery board to smooth the sharp edges of the aligner. Place a piece of wax over your braces to lessen the abrasion on your lips, cheeks, and tongue. If the soreness persists, rinse your mouth with warm saline water.

You can manage several orthodontic emergencies yourself, but it is always wise to check with your orthodontist afterwards. Some quick-fix solutions may only work temporarily before the original issue sprouts again. Keep your orthodontist’s number handy, but also be careful. Enjoy your time outdoors without worrying about orthodontic emergencies.

Pediatric Dentistry: Instill Good Habits and Awareness in Kids

Instill good dental habits in kids early. Visit a pediatric dentistry office. (Image courtesy collusor on Pixabay via CC0 Public Domain license)
Instill good dental habits in kids early. Visit a pediatric dentistry office. (Image courtesy collusor on Pixabay via CC0 Public Domain license)

Did you know that bananas cause more dental cavities than chocolate and chewing gum? Schedule a pediatric dentistry appointment to know more dental facts or “myth-busters”. A pediatric dentist is the best person to educate you and your child on healthy dental practices. Besides, regular dental check-ups ensure that your child’s teeth develop healthily and that problems are detected promptly and corrected immediately to prevent tooth decay or loss in future.

Surprising Pediatric Dentistry Facts That You Didn’t Know

Halloween is around the corner, and you are probably concerned that your kids will spoil their teeth gorging on chocolates. Well, you should be worried more about the harm some other apparently innocuous foods do to the teeth. For instance, healthy foods like bananas and apples cause more cavities than chocolate, graham crackers, caramels, red licorice, and chewing gum. Even bread, raisins, cereal, and chips do more dental harm than chocolate.

According to research, the culprit is the starch that is present in high amounts in many of these foods. Starch is a complex carbohydrate, but the bacteria present in the mouth reacts similarly to the simple sugars present in chocolates and other “sugary” foods. The bacteria breaks down the sugar which leaves an acidic waste. This acidic substance causes cavities.

The case against starchy foods like bananas rests on the fact that starch dissolves slowly and remains inside the mouth for longer periods of time than simple sugar. Small particles of some starchy foods also get stuck between the teeth and remain in the mouth for as long as two hours, so the bacteria has more time to work on the starch and create more acid.

That being said, banishing apples, bananas, and most other starchy foods from your kid’s diet is not a good idea. After all, the body needs complex carbohydrates too.

So this Halloween, let your kids gorge on chocolates, candies, and cookies. Cocoa, the primary ingredient in chocolate, contains tannin that is as effective as fluoride, the substance present in toothpaste, in preventing tooth decay. Also, encourage them to eat fruits like bananas and apples every day.

For your part, make sure that they don’t miss their pediatric dentistry appointment. Your kid’s dentist can educate you about the foods to be wary of and those to stay away from to keep teeth healthy and cavity-free.

Why Should You Take Your Kid to a Pediatric Dentist?

You should take your kid to a pediatric dentist regularly. During a pediatric dentistry visit, you can get your kid’s teeth cleaned professionally and get him checked for signs of cavities. Regular check-ups ensure the dentist can monitor your child’s dental development closely. A pediatric dentist is also the best person to teach your child the correct way to brush and floss.

Choose a pediatric dental office where your kid feels welcomed, safe and can even enjoy his or herself by playing video games or watching cartoon shows on TV while he waits. This ensures that you don’t have to coax, cajole, or bribe him to visit the dentist anymore. After all, he has to become comfortable around a dentist, be receptive to the suggestions, and take his dental health into his own hands. When he knows what is good for his teeth and what is not, he need not deprive himself of chocolate for fear of cavities!

Why Should You Get an Orthodontics Examination?


Orthodontic Dentistry: For Healthy Teeth and Beautiful Smile (Image courtesy Liz20151222 on Wikimedia Commons via CC BY-SA 4.0 International)
Orthodontic Dentistry: For Healthy Teeth and Beautiful Smile (Image courtesy Liz20151222 on Wikimedia Commons via CC BY-SA 4.0 International)

There is more to dental health than brushing and flossing every day. Dental health encompasses a wide array of criteria—are your teeth properly aligned, do your teeth meet normally or do you have a cross-bite, do your jaws shift, and are your teeth and jaw aligned proportionately to one another and to the rest of your face? Just like irregularities in how our body functions can wreak havoc with our systems, dental irregularities too can bring in a host of complications ranging from bad breath, unsightly yellowed teeth, tooth decay and loss, difficulty chewing and swallowing as well as gum problems. Do not ignore an orthodontic examination to detect dental abnormalities early and nip them in the bud. You should not feel shy to flash your brightest smile!

The Benefits of an Orthodontic Examination

Every kid should be taken for an orthodontic examination by age 7. This ensures dental irregularities are detected early and treated immediately before they develop into major problems in adulthood.

For instance, early or late loss of baby teeth can indicate abnormalities that can later cause tooth decay. Habits like sucking fingers can tamper with the alignment of teeth and cause one or more tooth to develop crookedly or overlap on another tooth. Misaligned teeth not only take away from the appeal of the smile but can also hamper brushing and flossing. Not being able to brush or floss properly can cause bad breath, tooth decay, and eventually, tooth loss.

But it is not just kids who need an orthodontic screening. Adults too should get an orthodontic examination to find out about the state of their dental health and go in for corrections and/or treatments if needed. Dental problems, if neglected, can later spiral out of control and cost you more in terms of expenses, pain, hassles, and downtime.

Book an Orthodontic Appointment and Gift Yourself a Beautiful Smile

An orthodontist can also correct your smile and give you back the confidence you had lost. That is because cosmetic dentistry is  also their forte!

Misaligned teeth, a gummy smile, discolored teeth, an incorrect bite, missing teeth, and teeth with cavities mar the attractiveness of your smile. You feel shy about smiling in public, and consequently, come across as a glum and boring person. This perception about you can hinder your chances of forming professional and personal relationships.

But don’t worry, an orthodontist has a host of solutions to conveniently suit your needs. Just be sure to book an appointment.

An orthodontist can straighten crooked teeth with braces or Invisalign® aligners. Nowadays, braces are not as unsightly as they once used to be. They now have more streamlined forms and come in a variety of colors. Invisalign® aligners are made of a clear, sturdy material that don’t show when you smile. Invisalign® aligners can be taken off and put on easily, so you can brush and floss thoroughly and easily.

Having an orthodontic or cosmetic dentistry treatment, nowadays, no longer means taking a day off from work or waiting for months on end for results to show. For instance, the results of tooth whitening can show in as little as 3 days.

You check your blood pressure and keep tabs on your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. You visit a GP for regular health check-ups. So, why should you neglect your dental health? An orthodontist can not only correct dental abnormalities but also beautify your smile. An orthodontic examination is healthy for your teeth and great for your confidence.

Flash Your Beautiful Smile with Invisalign® Aligners or Braces

Choose a teeth-straightening method that works for you and flaunt a beautiful smile. (Image courtesy Greyerbaby on Pixabay via CC0 Public Domain license)
Choose a teeth-straightening method that works for you and flaunt a beautiful smile. (Image courtesy Greyerbaby on Pixabay via CC0 Public Domain license)

This Halloween, you should be more excited about Invisalign® aligners and braces than candies and costumes! Give yourself a treat by going in for teeth straightening. Choose Invisalign® aligners or braces to give yourself a festival smile makeover that will dazzle others.

Why Should You Consider Teeth-Straightening Options?

Crooked and uneven teeth not only take away from the beauty of your smile but also dampen your self-esteem. You feel shy about smiling in public, which in turn, makes other people perceive you as a glum person or someone who is not fun to be around with.

More importantly, uneven and misaligned teeth pose dental hygiene problems as well. Your toothbrush cannot clean your teeth thoroughly or reach all corners of the mouth. The results are: bad breath, gum problems, and tooth decay.

You may not know this but an incorrect bite or misaligned teeth can trigger headaches and/or pain in the face and neck. Uneven teeth can also cause difficulty while eating, swallowing, and/or speaking.

Now you know that there are multiple reasons to straighten your teeth, so choose Invisalign® aligners or braces.

Braces: Pops of Color When You Smile

Braces are one of the most popular choices for adults, teens, and kids. Braces—metal or ceramic —are placed around the teeth to gently move them into proper alignment. For kids, these braces gently guide the development of the jaw and the teeth that are about to grow. This prevents problems related to misaligned teeth or jaw in future.

Due to the advances in orthodontics, braces are now lighter and sturdier than ever and are comfortable to wear for the duration of your treatment.

If you thought braces are ungainly, think again! Braces can be clear, so they are hardly visible when you talk or smile. Or if you are in a festive mood, you can go in for colorful metallic braces. You can choose the color of the ties that secure the wires. Talk about your personal smile statement!

Invisalign® Aligners: Wear These Without Anyone Knowing

Invisalign® aligners spell comfort and convenience. Made of clear, medical-grade plastic polymer, these invisible braces are sturdy, yet you can remove them and put them back on easily. Remove them when you have to brush and floss, so you can do a thorough job. Also remove them when you dig into Halloween candies; this will keep the aligners clean and easier to maintain.

The greatest benefit of Invisalign® aligners is that they are almost invisible to the naked eye. You can go around wearing them and smile with these fitted to your teeth, and hardly anyone will notice! You needn’t feel self-conscious about smiling in public, nor do you have to stop flashing your brilliant smile because you are wearing braces.

You don’t want your misaligned teeth to slowly chip away at one another and eventually cause a tooth to fall out. You obviously don’t want your overcrowded teeth to trigger gum problems or jaw pain. So this Halloween, fix your smile and keep away dental problems with Invisalign® aligners or braces.

What Makes for a Winning Smile?

The Perfect Smile (Image courtesy Caricato da Sdrtirs on Wikipedia via CC BY-SA 3.0)
The Perfect Smile (Image courtesy Caricato da Sdrtirs on Wikipedia via CC BY-SA 3.0)

What Makes for a Winning Smile?

Members of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry vote every year to choose the best smiles in Hollywood. Over the years, they have voted for Eva Mendes’s million-watt smile, the pearly whites of Kate Hudson, and the frank and warm smile of Brad Pitt. Their smiles dazzle us from the screens and have launched a million products. But you too can flash their winning smiles without spending a million dollars. The anatomy of a winning smile is not hard to decode, and there are specific cosmetic dentistry procedures to correct imperfections as well!

Smile Check #1: Teeth Alignment and Symmetry

The perfect or a pleasing smile is one where the teeth are aligned to the eye line. A tilted teeth line distracts from the beauty of the smile. So do asymmetrical teeth.

Teeth should be straight, without chips and breaks, and have the right proportions. A smile appears attractive when the two front teeth in the center have a width-to-height ratio of 75 to 80 percent. The rest of the teeth should be proportioned accordingly to create the perfect smile line. The ideal smile line—connecting the edges of the teeth—should be aligned with the curve of the bottom lip.

Your teeth should not protrude or be set too far back in the mouth. While there should not be gaps between the teeth, they should also not be crowded or look overgrown.

The facial midline runs vertically through the middle of the face. Ideally, the teeth on one side of the facial midline should be similar to its opposite number on the other side of the line.

Imperfectly aligned teeth can be corrected using braces.

Smile Check #2: Teeth Coloration

Look at your favorite celebs flashing their million-dollar smiles on the red carpet. They all have brilliantly white teeth.

One of the most important rules of a beautiful smile is that teeth should not be discolored or stained. Aging, regular consumption of beverages, smoking, and certain medications can stain the teeth. Regular tooth whitening can give your pearly whites the shine they miss.

Smile Check #3: Gum-to-Tooth Ratio

A gummy smile—one where the gums cover 25 percent or more of the length of your teeth—looks horsey. Uneven gum contours, discolored and/or inflamed gums, and exposed root surfaces too take away from the appeal of your smile.

Smile Check #4: Smile Width

Individuals with broad smiles are perceived to be attractive.

The width of a smile is determined by the dark empty space visible between the corners of the mouth and the upper row of teeth. The smaller this space, the wider is the smile. In a wide smile, the teeth curve backwards. Women generally have broader smiles than men.

Sometimes broken or missing teeth can increase this space.

Smile Check #5: Facial Aesthetics

Your lips frame your smile. Full, symmetrical, and shapely lips add to the attractiveness of the smile. For instance, thin lips may expose more gums while crooked lips may give the impression that you have uneven gum edges or uneven teeth.

Only a few people are born with the perfect smile. But with advanced cosmetic dentistry procedures like dental implants, gum and enamel recontouring, tooth bonding, and inserting porcelain veneers, a dentist can design an attractive smile. A beautiful smile wins heart and brings strangers closer. But most importantly, correcting an imperfect smile makes you feel confident about flashing your pearlies whenever you are happy.



Invisalign®, AcceleDent, and Braces for Million-Dollar Smiles


How much does AcceleDent cost or is Invisalign® treatment the best option for me? Should I wear adult braces and will I see results after getting braces off

As summer holidays draw to an end, it is back-to-school time again, and young adults have some difficult choices to make ahead of them. After all, they want to look their best and flash their brightest smiles on Picture Day. But so do many others who are past their school days and want to work on their smiles to sport a new and more confident look this September, which is incidentally also the month for new beginnings.

Invisalign®: Braces That Can’t Be Seen

Browse through a few Invisalign® before-and-after photos to see the magical transformations. Would you believe that these transformations came about painlessly and without any hassle?

Invisalign® aligners are clear braces that are virtually invisible. You can wear them anywhere, and people won’t even notice. What is more, they can be removed and put on easily. So you can brush, floss, and eat conveniently without the metal wires getting in your way. This ensures you can maintain healthy dental habits and live life on your own terms. Once the aligners are custom fitted, you don’t have to make visits to the doctor frequently, usually only once every 8-12 weeks.

AcceleDent: A Revolutionary New Orthodontic Treatment


AcceleDent is the answer for those who are in a hurry to have amazing results. This revolutionary new orthodontic technology, approved by the U.S. FDA, speeds up the movement of teeth by up to 50 percent. Your teeth align faster, increasing the effectiveness of any orthodontic treatment you are currently undergoing. So you will be getting braces off quicker or the Invisalign® treatment will show results sooner. But how?

As part of this treatment, you bite on a mouthpiece and power on the activator. The SoftPulse Technology® delivers gentle and precisely sequenced vibrations to your teeth and gums. Your teeth were already being guided by the orthodontics; now these gentle vibrations will accelerate their movement. Use AcceleDent for 20 minutes daily. And relax, you don’t have to hold on to the activator; it is hands-free.

Braces for Adults and Teens: Straighten Teeth Conveniently

Don’t let the Invisalign® vs. braces debate confuse you. Braces continue to remain one of the most popular orthodontic devices for straightening teeth.

Gone are the days when getting braces and wearing them used to be an ordeal and a painstaking journey through pain and discomfort. The chunky braces of an earlier era were ungainly and made the wearer self-conscious in public. Modern-day braces are lighter and more comfortable to wear constantly. The wires are also less visible but more effective. Take a look at some braces before-and-after photos to convince yourself of their efficacy.

Whether we are going back to school or not, we all feel shy about flashing crooked teeth. Misaligned teeth make brushing and flossing difficult and maintaining dental hygiene a chore. But you have a choice now—Invisalign® treatmentAcceleDent, or braces—and you can choose a teeth-straightening method depending on your budget, lifestyle habits, convenience, and how soon you want to see the results. This September, take care of yourself and start the orthodontic treatment that has been long due. You will be surprised to discover how a beautiful and healthy smile brightens up life, and the selfie as well.

Say Cheese! The Benefits of a Bright and Beautiful Smile

A Beautiful Smile Wins Hearts and Friends (Image courtesy Pixabay on public domain via Creative Commons CC0)
A Beautiful Smile Wins Hearts and Friends (Image courtesy Pixabay on public domain via Creative Commons CC0)

A healthy, bright, and beautiful smile is indeed worth a million dollars. A smile can lighten up the mood in a room. A smile can break the ice and bring strangers closer; it radiates happiness and spreads cheer. But you need to work on your smile regularly, so you can flash it often. However, there are more benefits of orthodontic care than just giving you a great smile.

What Can Your Smile Do for You?

You will be amazed to know about the benefits of flashing your pearlies often.

According to a study carried out on people aged between 18 and 50 years, the wearer of a beautiful, healthy smile is perceived as attractive by 84 percent of Americans. A whopping 85 percent who took part in this survey also told that they tend to judge a person by his smile when meeting him for the first time. A person who smiles often is usually perceived to be more open, honest, and friendly than someone who goes around with a dour look. So having a beautiful, healthy smile has some definite social advantages.

Your chance of attracting a desirable life-partner increases if you have a healthy smile. About a third of the participants in the above-mentioned study indicated that they would prefer to date someone who has healthy teeth. It seems that bad teeth are associated with poor hygiene practices that may stem from an attitude of low self-esteem. Nobody likes to be around someone who is depressed.

A healthy and beautiful smile is also more likely to brighten your career prospects, according to the findings of a study commissioned by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. A bright smile gets you perceived as smarter, successful, happier, and more trusting than someone with bad teeth. These are qualities that every employer looks for in a potential employee.

If you have healthy teeth and a beautiful smile, you have ample reasons to feel confident about your worth.

The Benefits of Orthodontic Care

Unfortunately, not everybody is blessed with an attractive smile. But fortunately, there is nothing about your teeth or smile that an expert orthodontist cannot fix. There are many benefits of orthodontic care.

An orthodontist can correct dental alignment issues like misplaced teeth or crowding, abnormal bites, and misaligned jaws or teeth. Some such issues not only take away from the beauty of your smile but may also prevent you from practicing appropriate oral hygiene. For instance, you cannot brush or floss thoroughly if your teeth are crowded. This, in turn, can cause gum disease, bad breath, tooth decay, and even tooth loss.

Tooth whitening is also an integral part of your regular dental care. You feel shy about smiling in public if you have discolored teeth. The dazzling results of tooth whitening are visible in as little as three days. However, if you have a party to attend soon, you can opt for a quick in-office bleaching method that will produce instantaneous but equally desirable results. Depending on the bleaching agent used in the process, teeth can be whitened by up to 8 to 10 shades.

There are powerful social, personal, and professional benefits of having a healthy and beautiful smile. The health benefits of going in for regular orthodontic care should not be ignored as well. Going around with misshapen, misplaced, or broken teeth or uneven jaws that mar the lines of your face not only dent your confidence but also leads to people being unjustly biased towards you. The saying, smile and the world smiles with you, is true. Do not neglect your smile.

Pediatric Dentist Visits Are Imminent Come Fall

It is fall. It is apple-picking and pediatric dentist visit time.  (Image courtesy Alice Popkorn on Flickr via CC BY-ND 2.0 Generic License)
It is fall. It is apple-picking and pediatric dentist visit time. (Image courtesy Alice Popkorn on Flickr via CC BY-ND 2.0 Generic License)
A Pediatric Dentist at Work (Image from Wikimedia Commons under the public domain)
A Pediatric Dentist at Work (Image from Wikimedia Commons under the public domain)

It will soon be fall and when you see the deep greens, rich reds, dark yellows, and brilliant oranges around you, get ready for a visit to the pediatric dentist. Autumn is the time to go apple-picking, munch on roasted pumpkin seeds, gorge on huge slices of plum, hazelnut and chocolate cake, dig into apple and blackberry crumble, and pop in ghoulish-looking, brightly-colored Halloween candies, so it is not surprising that the kids’ dentist is busy throughout the season. Although good oral hygiene habits should be practiced daily, any pediatric dentist will tell you that these habits are critical during the autumn season when kids seem to live on sugary treats. A visit to the pediatric dentistry clinic is also essential to get your little one’s teeth checked and detect problems early.

What Should You Expect From Your Pediatric Dentist?

A pediatric dentist examines, diagnoses, and treats dental problems in kids. A kids’ dentist checks teeth for possible signs of decay, cracks and wear, and faulty fillings and the gums for signs of bleeding.

During the oral and dental examination, the pediatric dentist also examines various other parts of the mouth like the cheeks, palate, and tongue to look for signs of swelling or any unusual development that may indicate a dental problem. Sometimes he may prescribe an X-ray to confirm or disprove a hunch.

A dentist can also teach a kid about and educate parents on healthy dental hygiene habits and the correct techniques for brushing and flossing.

Why Should Take Your Kids Regularly to the Pediatric Dentist?

Regular visits to the pediatric dentist ensure that any dental issue is detected and treated early before it blows up into a serious problem that necessitates time-consuming, painful, and expensive treatments. Regular visits let the dentist track developmental changes over time and intervene if there are anomalies. Besides, if you take your kid regularly to the pediatric dentistry clinic, he will overcome his fears and be more open to the suggestions and treatments prescribed.

Fall Foods That Lead to Tooth Decay (Image courtesy Kristin Ausk on Wikimedia Commons via CC BY-SA 2.0)
Fall Foods That Lead to Tooth Decay (Image courtesy Kristin Ausk on Wikimedia Commons via CC BY-SA 2.0)

During the fall season, it is extremely crucial that you take your child to a pediatric dentist for a professional and thorough cleaning of the teeth and around the braces, if he wears them. Miniscule bits of sugary treats like cakes, pies, and candies tend to stick between the teeth and the braces. They are usually not visible to the naked eye or cannot be removed even with thorough brushing. A kids’ dentist has the equipment to carry out a proper cleansing.

If you are searching for a pediatric dentist, NYC offers many options for qualified professionals and establishments. But make sure that you choose a friendly and approachable dentist who can make your kid comfortable and soothe his fears. Remember those days when you as a kid used to dread a visit to the pediatric dentist? It also helps if the dental office is decked up in bright colors and has entertainment options like video games that will keep your child distracted as he waits.

The fall is a season of colors and celebrations. Let your kid enjoy the treats of the season without spoiling his teeth. Take him to the pediatric dentist regularly and initiate a lifelong healthy habit. Make his teeth last a lifetime by collaborating with a kid’s dentist to teach your child the importance of practicing good oral hygiene.

New School Year, New You!

“New year, new me” is always on everyone’s resolution plans. Resolution plans don’t always have to appear during the New Year holidays. For many of us, a new school year is rapidly approaching within the next few weeks. Whether you’re a teenager starting your greatly anticipated high school career for the first time, or a college student knocking on the door of adulthood, “new year, new me” should definitely be on your resolutions list.

First impressions in new surroundings can certainly be stressful, and “back to school” days are certainly no exception. Studies have shown that one of the first things you get judged on when meeting new people for the first time is your smile. Yes, your teeth can influence what people think about you!

New School Year, New Me Resolutions List:

  • New teeth worth smiling about… CHECK!

If a straighter smile is what you’re looking for this upcoming school year, you’re in good hands at Dr. Jacquie Smiles. Middle school is all about the fun and funky colors. Why not get your teeth straightened in style? If you’re in middle school, it doesn’t matter who you are or who you’re friends with, you’re cool if you have braces. Swapping out the elastic band colors and showing off your new vibrant mouth to all your friends is the cool thing to do. For young kids and pre-teens looking for a straighter smile and a pop of color this year, a set of braces will definitely help them get there. And don’t worry, if you’re interested in braces but a mouth of color isn’t the best fit for you, these elastic bands also come in more neutral-friendly colors such as white and clear.

But what about those students who don’t like the attention that standard braces bring to their mouth? Dr. Jacquie is the leading spokesperson for Invisalign and Invisalign Teen. Invisalign trays are made of a clear plastic resin material, virtually invisible to the eye. This feature is ideal for teens and young adults going to school who are a little more reserved about the attention they receive. Braces are noticeable and oftentimes bring attention to the mouth that some people do not particularly care for.  While reducing the effect of unwanted attention, Invisalign’s set of customized trays work to straighten and improve your smile, ensuring you feel confident while wearing them as well as when you’re done wearing them!

Yellow or stained teeth can also compromise how good you feel about yourself during the school season. Whether you’re in high school taking photos for Picture Day and the yearbook, or a college student documenting your golden years, stained teeth can definitely be an issue. And let’s be honest, those crucial teeth-staining coffee runs to accommodate those long study nights for Midterms and Final Exams definitely aren’t working in your favor. Being a busy student always on the go, teeth whitening can still fit seamlessly into your schedule. Dr. Jacquie Smiles offers at-home treatments of Zoom! Whitening. Using a revolutionary whitening gel, Zoom! Whitening has the strength to whiten your smile up to six shades in just three nights, all in the comfort of your own home. A weekend is all it takes to feel confident for the rest of the school year!

Don’t let your smile get in the way of a happy and confident upcoming school year. Whether it be crooked teeth or teeth that are everything but pearly white, an under-impressive smile brings a lot of unwanted attention. Dr. Jacquie Smiles has all the necessary tools to help you achieve teeth worth smiling about. Take the initiative with your “New year, new me” and come in for a free consultation!

Attitude of Gratitude Starts With a Smile

Every day individuals wake up with the desire to feel their absolute best- to radiate from inside out.

The basic law of attraction has always been simple… much like a positive attitude towards life often invokes the same energy reflecting back, so does one’s smile!

It is important when trying to project an “attitude of gratitude” that you think about the things in which you are thankful for: opportunities, love, and of course, the things that bring out your smile most.

After all, your smile is your predominant form of expression and strongest visual to bring light into this world. It should shine beautifully in order to reach extended individuals and generate more confidence from within. This beauty, this confidence, this message, is all contagious among the mass public. Let your ultimate curve set everything straight with one simple, yet powerful grin. #dynamite

A smile can tell us a lot in just one simple flash…Whether it is stained from colorful foods, strong wines, coffee, or if teeth are crooked, chipped, crowded, missing, etc… It all tells your story- a story to be thankful for!

It’s time to showcase your attitude of gratitude by thanking your smile! Treat your smile with expert service and receive the most optimal results that are guaranteed to create more moments, memories, and attract more positivity.

  • In-Office Teeth WhiteningIn-office teeth whiteningoffers immediate results, whitening your teeth an average of eight shades in a little over an hour, all while you sit back, relax and watch your favorite TV show in our comfortable state-of-the-art office and leave with pearly whites! If you prefer to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home, we offer Zoom! Take Home Teeth Whitening. This take home gel whitens your teeth an average of six shades lighter within three days, giving you a brand new smile! Whether treatments are done in the office or at home, teeth whitening systems from Dr. Jacquie Smiles offers longer lasting results in a shorter amount of time than any other teeth whitening treatments on the market. All teeth are treated simultaneously, minimizing discomfort and sensitivity, allowing you to achieve your dream smile in the snap of a finger.
  • Plaque HD- Professional Plaque- Identifying Toothpaste: Often times, plaque is very challenging to identify and remove, but with Plaque HD’s Targetol Technology you can effectively remove plaque from your teeth, boosting your confidence and the freshness of your breath when greeting all of your guests. By specifically targeting areas missed during brushing, this specialized toothpaste prevents permanent stains and tooth discoloration as well as fights cavities, and prevents gum disease, improving overall oral hygiene.
  • AcceleDent® Aura, developed by OrthoAccel Technologies, Inc. (“OrthoAccel”): AcceleDent Aura consists of a mouthpiece and activator assembly that provides a light vibration to the teeth, as well as a travel case for ease of carrying. Combined with your doctor’s diagnosis and prescription for orthodontic care, AcceleDent® Aura helps your current orthodontic treatment work faster. It does this by generating small vibrations called micro-pulses to gently accelerate the movement of your teeth as they are guided by your orthodontics.
  • Invisalign: A state-of-the-art alternative to braces. It is virtually undetectable and straightens your teeth with the use of customized, clear, removable aligners. Invisalign is in high demand for adults due to the convenience and quick results when compared to standard braces. A consultation is required to confirm if you are an ideal candidate for Invisalign.


Take control of your smile and take action today! Dr. Jacquie Smiles is an Invisalign Expert, Whitening Specialist, and AcceleDent Provider. She proudly offers these procedures to her New York City/New Jersey tri-state patients. To learn more about these procedures please call (212) 972-3522 to schedule a consultation today.


Why White Is The Color For Weddings…Bright, White Smile That Is!

White is the color for weddings; white dress, white flowers, white cake … but what about white teeth? While brides often times devote the entire wedding planning process to making her guests comfortable and happy, they often forget to pamper themselves in the process. After all, the memory of your fabulous wedding will live on in your wedding photos and memories. Let your beautiful smile be a reminder of how amazing your big day was!

Everyone’s teeth are designed differently and everyone has a different desired result. On many occasions, a whiter smile isn’t the only concern a bride has about her teeth. Which orthodontic treatment would best fit your needs? Perhaps your teeth have spacing issues in which you would like to correct, or maybe you have crooked teeth in which you would like to align. In either case, not only is this an aesthetic issue, but is a health issue as well. Misaligned teeth are hard to maintain and put stress on jaw points, leading to gum disease, abnormal wear of tooth surfaces, and inefficient chewing function to name a few. Methods to correct these issues may include braces, Invisalign, or even dental surgery. The time span needed to successfully complete the entire orthodontic procedure can take anywhere from 6 months to 3 years. Because of this, it is easy to understand why a bride would consider having orthodontic treatment done after her wedding, but risks not feeling confident and beautiful on her big day.

Dr. Jacquie at Dr. Jacquie Smiles believes that all qualified brides (and grooms!) should peruse orthodontic treatment regardless of how far away their wedding is. Dr. Jacquie offers accelerated orthodontic treatment, allowing for a more beautiful set of shiny, pearly whites before the wedding! Evidently, it would be ideal to start right away. By starting now, you can speed up the overall treatment before the big day. An advantage of an accelerated treatment is that you can stop and start back up whenever you like, making it ideal for the honeymoon! Treatment can be paused when you’re away for your super romantic honeymoon and can be resumed upon your return. This may be convenient for those who have busy wedding schedules and can’t devote large periods of time to their orthodontic treatment.

While a bride’s smile should be as white as her dress, there are so many other elements that contribute to a perfect smile. An accelerated orthodontic treatment is perfect for busy brides looking to make a lasting impression. Don’t let an underwhelming smile control how you feel on YOUR day. Remember how confident and stunning you will feel when looking at how beautiful your smile was in your wedding photos. Request for your free consultation today, you deserve it!